Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Tips and Tricks - 6

1. Display all tables of a particular user in Oracle

select * from user_segments;

2. Display size of all tables of a particular user in Oracle

select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) from user_segments

3. Change String to lowercase in Eclipse


4. Change String to uppercase in Eclipse


5. pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.12) in file header- Error in PostgreSQL while importing dump file

convert the binary file into a plan SQL file via the -f parameter.

$ pg_restore --version 
pg_restore (PostgreSQL) 9.0.3

$ pg_restore -Fc dump.backup -f dump.sql

Copy dump.sql back to 8.3 server

$ psql database -f dump.sql 

6. List all databases in PostgreSQL


7. List tables in PostgreSQL


8. Grant all privileges on a particular database to a user in PostgreSQL

GRANT ALL ON DATABASE databaseName TO user;

9. Import a schema in PostgreSQL

psql -h hostName -U userName tabaseName -f backupFile.sql

10. Query to see active processes in PostgreSQL

select * from pg_stat_activity;

11. find all tables with a specific column name in PostgreSQL

select table_name from information_schema.columns where column_name = 'column_name';

12. Create a user in PostgreSQL


13. Append content to MANIFEST.MF in Eclipse

1) Add the following to the pom.xml
2) Create a file named MANIFEST.MF in src and add the content we need to append to MANIFEST.MF
3) Save the pom and check the project/target/classes/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF to see the changed content.

Think Twice Before Reserving a Space in the Heart for people who do not Wish to Stay!!

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